Wednesday, March 23, 2016

Leaving Las Vegas

That's what I'll be doing tomorrow, if all goes as planned, tho so far nothing this trip has gone as planned.  Like I sure didn't plan on being card dead for the entire trip, but that's what happened so far.  I didn't plan on getting sick, either.  Actually not sure if what's going on in my throat is a cold or just an extreme case of "Vegas throat" but at this point I'm not sure I'm even gonna be playing tonite, my last nite in town.  

No time to do a real blog post, I definitely need to keep my day job and get some work done now.  I need to replenish the ol' sockroll, u see.  So this is another filler post.  Despite the runbad, I will have a few stories to write up after I return home.

Now, I'm not quite leaving Las Vegas in as bad of shape as Nicolas Cage did in the movie that I stole this post's title from.  I won't spoil it for you, but it didn't end well for the old Nicster.  Although he did get to bang a hooker played by Elisabeth Shue in it, which is more than I can say.

So I leave you with some pics that celebrate the Vegas movies that Nic Cage has appeared in.  And even a pic from the only movie about Vegas that was allowed to be made that didn't star Nic Cage.  It starred Elvis instead.  

Hopefully back soon!

Movie Reviews, Old Vegas, Only in Vegas


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